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January 12, 2021

The right care after laser treatment for tattoo removal

Tattoo removal Berlin

Tattoos are a great way to immortalize meaningful and artistic images on your own skin. But the pictures are not always made for eternity. The reasons for a tattoo removal Berlin are very individual. For some people, the tattoo did not turn out as they had imagined. For other people, the tattoo loses its appeal or meaning over time. A change in life circumstances can also lead to the tattoo being removed again. Modern laser treatment is one of the methods available to obtain an image of the skin. What should be considered after the treatment?

(Image: ©New Africa – stock.adobe.com)

How can the tattoo be removed with the laser?

During laser treatment, high-energy light energy is emitted into the tissue in a targeted manner. The short and intense pulses of light break up the color pigments of the tattoo, creating many small individual pieces. These small particles can be removed and broken down by the body.

Depending on your personal perception of pain, the treatment may be somewhat unpleasant. The light pulses cause a stinging and burning sensation on the skin. For this reason, the areas to be treated are usually anesthetized in advance using a special ointment.

Is the tattoo gone immediately?

The laser treatment causes the tattoo to gradually fade. After the first application, the tattoo will most likely not disappear immediately. Experience has shown that at least six treatments are necessary until the tattoo has faded to such an extent that it is barely visible or no longer visible. The number of treatment sessions depends, among other things, on the size, color and quality of the tattoo.

Cooling and disinfecting after treatment

The laser treatment puts a lot of strain on the skin area in question. Redness and swelling may therefore occur after laser treatment. The symptoms are generally harmless. Cooling pads can be used to relieve irritation and mild pain. Regular cooling also helps to reduce swelling in the area.

A slight scab often forms on the skin after the laser treatment. This crust should not be scraped off under any circumstances, as otherwise germs and bacteria can enter the body and cause infections – this can also lead to scars. During the healing process, the scab will come off on its own. Any wound blisters should also not be punctured.

Mild products should be used for daily hygiene so as not to irritate sensitive skin areas.

Relaxation and sun protection

Rest and sleep are very important for the body’s regeneration and healing phases. You should therefore make sure you get enough rest and sleep after tattoo removal.

The skin should also be protected from direct sunlight for at least four weeks after the laser treatment. Swimming pools, solariums and saunas should also be avoided.

Sport and exercise

You should temporarily reduce or pause your sporting activities, as the sweat can lead to inflammation more easily. In addition, muscle contractions during sport can hinder the healing process. Instead, light, regular walks are highly recommended, as they get the circulation going and can even support healing without overstraining your body.

The right clothing

When choosing clothing, care should be taken to ensure that the fabric does not rub against the wound. If necessary, a suitable wound ointment can be applied after cleaning and disinfecting the tattoo sites to accelerate the closure of the wound area. Dr. Kors and his team will be happy to advise you.

Nutrition after tattoo removal

The right diet also supports the healing process. Make sure you eat a balanced and healthy diet to provide your body with important nutrients so that it has enough strength to heal. You should also drink plenty of fluids. A high fluid intake helps the body to remove the color particles. Ideally, alcohol and tobacco should be avoided.

Conclusion: Aftercare is important and should not be neglected!

With the help of laser treatment, tattoos can now be removed relatively quickly, successfully and with as little pain as possible. In order to minimize side effects and complications, the right aftercare is very important. You should find out in advance what measures are important after the laser treatment to promote healing. In the personal consultation for tattoo removal in our Weißensee skin center, Dr. Kors and his team will explain the important aftercare after the treatment and give you valuable tips for this time at home.

Important information on laser treatment

Laser treatment is a gentle and safe treatment option. However, it should always be carried out by an experienced doctor. This is the only way to reduce the risks to a minimum. Since January 2021, only licensed doctors have been allowed to carry out laser treatments. Until now, tattoo removal could also be offered by various studios (e.g. tattoo studios). Performed by non-professionals, it was not uncommon for various complications and health consequences to arise for patients, including skin burns and scarring. The new legislation should therefore guarantee patients a high level of safety and satisfaction.

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IMPRINT   DATA PROTECTION  Praxis für Dermatologie & Ästhetik ✓ Schwerpunkte: Allergolgogie, Laserbehandlung & Proktologie ✓   TALKING HOURS
