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April 27, 2023

Psoriasis: triggers and treatment for psoriasis

Treat psoriasis Dr. Kors
© irina_g – stock.adobe.com

The spring season is often also the time when more skin is shown again as it gets sunnier and warmer. While many look forward to this opportunity and are euphoric about it, the majority of psoriasis patients shy away from showing off their skin. For psoriasis – often referred to as psoriasis – is a chronic systemic disease that is mainly visible on the surface of the skin. It manifests itself as redness on which white-silvery, dry skin scales form.

Those affected often worry that they could be stared at or even ostracized due to the visible skin change. The fact that psoriasis is not contagious or transmissible often takes a back seat. Due to the severe redness, people who are not familiar with the disease react in a reserved and rather dismissive manner. This makes it all the more important to educate people about psoriasis and offer patients early and individualized treatment in order to bring psoriasis under control as best as possible. In this article, we reveal how psoriasis can develop and which treatments can provide relief.

Psoriasis – common misconceptions about psoriasis vulgaris

Psoriasis is associated with some misconceptions. The skin disease may be misinterpreted at the time of diagnosis alone. Especially for those affected themselves, who are often not yet familiar with psoriasis, the symptoms cannot be clearly assigned, but some doctors also misjudge the symptoms. Psoriasis is sometimes confused with a fungal infection or eczema. It is therefore important to consult a dermatology specialist with the problem visible on the skin. The doctor can already determine whether it is psoriasis by visual diagnosis. In uncertain cases, additional tests or a tissue sample can be taken.

Moreover, psoriasis is often declared to be a “mere skin disease”, whereas in reality it affects the entire organism (systemic disease). You can find out more about this in the section “Systemic disease: What consequences does psoriasis have for the body?” further down in the article.

The disease is also often misunderstood by other people. The appearance is often frightening, as the skin is very red and scaly. Therefore, as already mentioned, there is often a fear of contracting the disease. However, psoriasis is not transmissible, but a non-contagious, chronic disease that affects the entire body.

Is psoriasis congenital?

The exact causes of psoriasis vulgaris have not yet been conclusively researched. In medicine, it is assumed that a genetic predisposition to the disease is very likely. It is often the case that patients already have other known cases within the family. It is not possible to reliably predict if and when the disease will occur if you are predisposed to it. Possible triggers for psoriasis flare-ups include hormonal fluctuations, infections, stress, psychological strain and certain medications. However, it should also be noted that the triggers of psoriasis are individual, diverse and have not been fully researched.

When does psoriasis occur and in whom?

Anyone with a predisposition to psoriasis can develop the disease. Statistically, men and women are affected in roughly equal numbers. In principle, the disease can also occur at any age, although many cases are recorded before the age of 40 and especially between the ages of 15 and 25. Children and older people develop psoriasis comparatively rarely.

Systemic disease: What consequences does psoriasis have for the body?

Psoriasis is often referred to as a skin disease. However, the disease affects the entire organism. In psoriasis, the formation of skin cells is significantly accelerated due to as yet unexplained causes. If healthy skin regenerates completely once every four weeks or so, the process in psoriasis takes place within a few days. As a result, the skin no longer forms completely, but accumulates as the typical scales. In addition, inflammation occurs, which leads to itching and reddening of the skin.

These inflammations in particular also affect other areas of the body. Inflammatory changes can be particularly noticeable in the joints. This is known as psoriatic arthritis, which affects around one in five psoriasis patients. Metabolic disorders, high blood pressure or type II diabetes can also be associated with psoriasis vulgaris.

Getting psoriasis under control – this is how it works

There are various treatment approaches for psoriasis, which are applied individually. Good results can often be achieved, particularly with topical therapy in the form of ointments and creams. The ointments are applied directly to the affected areas and treat the areas locally. Systemic therapy is also possible. This approach usually involves taking medication that acts on the entire body and is intended to reduce the inflammatory foci. In addition, measures such as hygiene, skin care, lifestyle adjustments and individual consultations are very important in order to find a successful therapy for each individual patient.

In our practice, we also offer therapy with so-called biologics in addition to classic systemic treatment. The products are administered by injection and consist of special natural proteins. The natural substances are intended to restore the original balance in the body. Substances that promote inflammation are specifically inhibited.

We would be happy to advise you on the treatment of psoriasis in our practice. Simply contact us for a personal appointment. Here you can access our online booking system .

last update: 27.04.2023

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