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July 22, 2021

Preparation and aftercare for a StimSure® treatment

StimSure® Muscle Building Berlin
© Cynosure GmbH

Despite a healthy and balanced diet and exercise, it is sometimes difficult to achieve your ideal figure. Some fat cells are very stubborn and cannot be reduced with conservative measures. In aesthetic medicine, there are various non-surgical options to support a harmonious and even body shape. This includes, for example WarmSculpting™ with SculpSure®.

A newer method for muscle building and body shaping that we offer in our practice is treatment with StimSure®. Electromagnetic impulses are used to stimulate the muscles in the abdomen, upper arms, buttocks and thighs. The device works – just like the BTL Emsella® – works with a highly focused electromagnetic field(HIFEM technology; High-Intensity Focused Electromagnetic Field). The energy transfer is delivered to the body via two special applicators. These can be applied specifically to the desired treatment areas. Exercising and building up muscles also boosts fat burning. This makes unwelcome fat deposits disappear and tightens the silhouette.

Who is the StimSure® method suitable for?

In principle, the non-invasive treatment method is equally suitable for women and men. It is particularly suitable for people who are unable to reduce certain “problem areas” with conventional sport and diets and are looking for a gentle and effective way to get closer to their desired figure.

StimSure® actively supports muscle building. Various nutritional and sports medicine studies show that muscle training and muscle building play an important role in successful fat reduction. By strengthening the muscle fibers, fat burning is improved. A combination of treatments with StimSure® and SculpSure® can therefore also be used to achieve optimum results. The StimSure® procedure can be used on the abdomen, buttocks, upper arms and thighs, among other areas.

The StimSure® method is unsuitable for overweight people who are aiming to lose weight. The treatment is designed to optimize and contour the shape of the body . However, it is not suitable for reducing “unwanted kilos”. In these cases, weight loss using conservative methods or bariatric medicine (bariatric surgery) is advisable.

Is any particular preparation necessary?

The StimSure® procedure is uncomplicated and virtually risk-free. No special preparation is necessary. Dr. Kors will inform you in advance in a personal consultation about the procedure and the possible results of the treatment. Patients also have the opportunity to put their questions to the experts.

No metallic materials should be present in the treatment area. This means that any piercings must be removed before the treatment. The doctor must also be informed in advance of any metal or electronic implants (e.g. pacemakers). Complete undressing is not necessary for the treatment: The StimSure® device can be used on light clothing without any problems.

A balanced and healthy lifestyle is important for optimal results and a generally healthy body. The “right” diet and regular exercise keep body and mind fit. The StimSure® treatment is therefore the ideal complement to a healthy lifestyle.

How long does the treatment take?

A treatment session with StimSure® lasts between 20 and 30 minutes. The muscles contract up to 24,000 times. This means that they contract and then loosen again. It is therefore a very intensive training session in which patients simply relax on the treatment table.

Is downtime to be expected?

The StimSure® procedure takes place on an outpatient basis directly in our practice. Anesthesia or anesthesia is not necessary. After the 20 to 30-minute training session, you can leave our practice straight away and go about your everyday life. No restrictions or downtimes are to be expected. You should only be prepared for the fact that you may experience temporary muscle pain or mild cramps. These complaints are comparable to the classic “sore muscles” that often occur after “normal” sport or training. Regular use reduces the risk and intensity of muscle pain.

What needs to be considered afterwards?

Just as before treatment, no special measures are necessary after treatment. All activities can be carried out as usual. StimSure® is also considered a particularly safe procedure and is certified in Europe with the CE mark for muscle atrophy. In addition to muscle cramps and slight muscle pain, reddening of the skin may also occur in isolated cases, which subsides after a short time. If the treatment is carried out in the pelvic area, the intense muscle tension caused by the training can lead to an early onset of menstruation in female patients.

How many treatments are advisable?

The number of treatments is discussed and determined individually with the patient. We usually recommend around six to eight sessions for an effective and beautiful result. There are about two treatment sessions per week. The StimSure® method can be repeated at any time. The treatment areas can vary on request.

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