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November 9, 2020

Pigment spots on the face – how to remove them

Removing pigment spots on the face

The face is a prominent part of the body. In contact with other people, it is usually the first thing we pay attention to and what we associate with the person. This is why unpleasant features or changes in the face are often more noticeable than in other parts of the body. In addition to wrinkles and sagging skin pigment spots are a common aesthetic problem. It is estimated that 80 percent of Germans have or have had to deal with pigmentation spots on their face. What distance options are available? How effective are the individual procedures and is there any permanent help against annoying pigment spots on the face?

(Image: © Duangjan – stock.adobe.com)

Pigment spots: predisposition or other causes?

Pigment spots are caused by the body’s own skin pigment melanin. Among other things, this is produced when UV radiation hits the skin in order to protect it. Pigment spots are therefore more common on areas of the body that have been exposed to the sun for years. This includes the face, neck, décolleté and hands.

However, a pigment spot can also be triggered by various other causes. Hormonal fluctuations or disorders in the hormonal system in particular can lead to increased melanin production and the development of brownish or reddish patches. Possible triggers include pregnancy or hormonal contraceptives. The likelihood of pigment spots developing is also increased during the menopause. The forehead, cheeks and upper lip in particular are often affected. They usually disappear as soon as the hormone balance is restored.

In addition, certain fragrances or medications can lead to hyperpigmentation. These include, for example, agents that increase photosensitivity and thus indirectly increase the effect of UV rays on the skin.

Some skin diseases also cause pigment changes on the skin. The risk of pigment changes is increased, for example, by psoriasis (psoriasis), acne and eczema.

Pigment spots – a common and persistent “problem”

The pigment spot is not harmful to health. However, it is often an aesthetic problem that is difficult to control. Once the melanocytes, which produce the skin pigment melanin, go off track, this is usually difficult to correct. Even a small amount of UV radiation is often enough to make the cells active or overactive again. This is why those affected are usually looking for the gentlest and longest-lasting solution for their pigmentation spots.

Creams against pigment spots

Unwanted skin discoloration can be treated with various agents and methods. One of these options are whitening creams. However, it should be noted that some products can be quite aggressive. The risk of skin irritation or allergic reactions cannot be ruled out. For the safety and health of the skin, such products should not be applied without consulting a doctor. The whitening effect usually sets in after a few weeks of regular use.

Treat pigment spots with peelings

Medical peelings can reduce various disturbing skin changes or “skin blemishes”. They are available in different versions (mechanical and chemical peels) and in different strengths (superficial, medium-depth and deep chemical peels). Professional peeling aims to exfoliate the skin layer to reveal fresh and young skin. Among other things, this regeneration and renewal process can reduce wrinkles, refine pores and refresh the complexion. Peelings can also be used to remove unpleasant pigmentation spots. Fruit acid peels are generally used for this purpose. Depending on the intensity of the pigmented areas, the concentration of fruit acid is adjusted to achieve optimum results.

Modern laser treatment against pigment spots

One of the most effective methods against pigment spots is laser treatment. Energy-rich light is emitted to the skin where it is absorbed by the pigments. In fractions of a second, heat is generated in the pigments, causing them to burst open. The small pigment remnants are then naturally absorbed and removed by the body.

As pigment spots are caused by sunlight, among other things, it cannot be completely ruled out that new changes will become visible on the skin after some time. If the affected person finds these pigmentations disturbing again, further treatment with the laser can be carried out without any problems.

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