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July 18, 2019

More than wrinkle treatment – hyaluronic acid and skin hydration

Wrinkle treatment in Berlin | Skin Center WeißenseeThe summer has already shown its best side in recent weeks, offering intense hours of sunshine. Even if it seems to be taking a short break at the moment, proper hydration is still an important issue in warm temperatures. The skin also needs to “drink enough”. Hyaluronic acid provides the skin with optimal care and essential moisture. Hyaluronic acid is primarily known as an anti-ageing agent, but the areas of application also go beyond wrinkle treatment in Berlin. Find out how to take optimum care of your skin in summer and what supportive treatment options are available in the new news article.

(Image: © Subbotina Anna – stock.adobe.com)

Overview: what is hyaluronic acid?

In chemical terms, hyaluronic acid is a chain of sugar molecules. It is a gel-like, transparent liquid and is an important component of the extracellular matrix of vertebrates. This means that the body produces hyaluronic acid on its own. One of the tasks of hyaluronic acid is to regulate the water balance. This is made possible by their ability to bind a lot of liquid. There are up to six liters of water per gram of hyaluronic acid. This ability also makes the substance so interesting for cosmetics and aesthetic medicine. Hyaluronic acid is found in many skincare products. The majority of hyaluronic acid in the human body is found directly between the cells of the skin. By regulating the water balance of the connective tissue, hyaluronic acid also ensures that the skin retains its elasticity and resilience, making it look young, healthy and fresh. Together with the body’s own collagen, it provides structure and acts as a kind of scaffolding.

Hyaluronic acid deficiency in old age

Over time, the body’s own hyaluronic acid synthesis decreases. From around the age of 25, the skin is therefore no longer as richly moisturized as before. As a result, elasticity and firmness decrease and wrinkles become visible. In addition, the volume in certain areas (e.g. cheeks) may decrease. To maintain healthy and beautiful-looking skin, it is important to replenish the moisture it needs. This is only possible to a limited extent with care products that are applied. A greater effect is achieved by injecting the hyaluronic acid directly into the tissue and thus replenishing the natural hyaluronic acid depot.

What are “skin boosters”?

The term skinbooster(skin=skin, (to) boost=to support, stimulate) refers to moisturizing active ingredients that help the skin to regain its radiance and freshness. In aesthetic medicine, hyaluronic acid compositions, which are sometimes mixed with other active ingredients, are mainly used for this purpose. This may vary slightly depending on the manufacturer. In our skin center we use the product VOLITE from the Juvedérm series of the medical product manufacturer Allergan. By using only approved and high-quality substances, the Skinbooster treatment is a safe method for improving the skin structure.

How does the Skinbooster treatment work?

Similar to wrinkle treatment, hyaluronic acid is also injected directly under the skin in small doses to support skin quality. The experienced doctor uses a very fine needle for this. The treatment is usually extremely painless. If desired, an anesthetic ointment can be applied to the area. The injections are distributed evenly over the face at small intervals. Experience has shown that the treatment takes no longer than 30 minutes. The first refreshing effect can be seen just a short time after the injection. The shelf life of this hyaluronic acid is up to around nine months. If patients want long-lasting results, the skin boosters can be injected again.

Skin care in summer

In addition to suitable moisturizing care by means of injections or supporting care products, the skin should also be protected from UV radiation in summer. Regular, high sun exposure can lead to hyperpigmentation and other skin damage. Sun or UV radiation is considered one of the strongest risk factors for premature skin ageing and wrinkling. In addition, intensive and unprotected sunbathing can cause acute complaints such as sunburn, but also more serious illnesses such as skin cancer.

Hyaluronic acid treatment in Berlin – more information during a personal consultation

Every skin is individual and therefore requires specially adapted care. At our Weißensee skin center, we can analyze your skin with a modern 3D deep skin analysis and use the results to create a customized concept for you. We would also be happy to inform you about treatment with hyaluronic acid. Injection therapy can significantly improve your skin structure, increase elasticity and tone and reduce small wrinkles.

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