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Dr. Kors | Pigmentflecken

Pigment spot removal Berlin – Treatment of benign skin changes

Pigment spots are brownish, reddish or ochre-colored discolorations on the skin. The medical term for this is hyperpigmentation. They occur when there is an increased release of melanin in the areas. This is a skin pigment that is released by certain cells. Many people are familiar with melanin, particularly in relation to sun/UV radiation, as the skin pigment is also responsible for the popular seamless tan in summer. Gentle, minimally invasive procedures are primarily used to remove pigment spots. At our Weißensee skin center, we reduce pigment spots and other benign skin changes with the help of a special laser treatment.


What benign skin changes are there?

Benign skin lesions are defined as visible changes on the surface of the skin that have no health consequences. However, the changes are often perceived as unaesthetic by those affected. In addition to pigment spots, this also includes age spots, (raised) moles, actinic keratoses, age warts, common warts, plantar warts and so-called xanthelasma (fatty deposits around the eyes). Many people are also bothered by sebaceous gland hyperplasia (enlargement of the sebaceous glands), which leads to small, white nodules in the skin. They can occur all over the face or be concentrated in certain areas.


Pigment spot removal Berlin: Is it necessary to have the spots removed?

Benign skin changes do not need to be removed from a medical point of view. They do not pose a health risk. Actinic keratoses are the exception, as in rare cases they can develop into squamous cell carcinoma (“prickle cell cancer”). For this reason, they should be treated at an early stage.

Other skin changes such as pigmentation and age spots, moles or warts are generally harmless to the body. However, they are often perceived as an aesthetic nuisance by the people affected. Benign skin changes are often removed for purely aesthetic reasons, as they can make the person appear older.


Causes of pigment spots

The cells that produce the skin pigment melanin are called melanocytes. They are primarily activated by sun and UV radiation in order to trigger the natural skin protection (tanning). Excessive melanin can form in some areas, resulting in spots. In addition to intensive UV radiation, genetic predisposition can also be responsible for this. Female hormones can also be the trigger for pigment spots. Women who use contraceptive pills are often more likely to be affected by pigment spots than women without hormonal contraception. Hormonal pigmentation disorders can also occur during pregnancy. The dark pigmented area on the face is also known as a “pregnancy mask” and experience has shown that it disappears by itself after delivery. Other triggers for pigmentation disorders can be certain medications, burns or illnesses (e.g. psoriasis or acne).


Before the treatment

Before we remove your pigment spots, a personal consultation takes place. In this letter, you can describe your concerns and explain exactly what is bothering you. Based on this information, we will present you with the respective treatment options. Of course, we will examine your skin before treatment to rule out diseases and malignant skin changes.


Procedure: How can pigment spots be removed?

In our dermatology practice Dr. Kors in Berlin Weißensee, pigmentation disorders are treated using a gentle laser method (with the Revlite® or KTP laser). Light-based energy is released into the tissue and the chromophores (melanin) in the skin are stimulated. Pigmented lesions are “damaged” by the targeted treatment of melanin and then broken down or excreted by the body. After a slight desquamation of the skin, the pigment spots then fade as far as possible.

Ablative laser technology (with the Erbium-YAG “Burane XL” laser) is used for benign skin changes such as moles. Very fast light pulses ensure that the upper layer of skin is vaporized. This does not cause burns. Our competent and experienced operators use the laser to remove the upper skin incision from the previously defined areas. The treatment is painless to a predefined depth, even without anesthesia. In addition, the areas can be locally anesthetized to make the procedure as comfortable as possible for you.


Pigment spot removal Berlin: Aftercare and protection

After application, a fine scab forms on the treated areas. This heals on its own within a few days and then falls off. It should never be scraped off, as this can leave permanent marks. As a rule, the healing process is scar-free. New skin then appears under the scab, which looks rosy and young.

Patients do not have to take it easy physically after the treatment. You can go about your everyday life straight away. The treated areas should only be protected from intensive sunlight for at least 4 weeks.


Removing pigment spots with laser: does the treatment involve risks?

Laser treatment to remove pigmentation disorders is a relatively painless and low-risk method. Immediately after application, the skin may be reddened or slightly swollen. Temporary slight sensory disturbances are also possible, but rarely occur. At our Weißensee skin center, only specially trained and experienced practitioners carry out the treatment. This reduces the risks to a minimum.


How much does a laser treatment to remove pigmentation spots cost?

The cost of the treatment cannot be determined without a prior personal consultation with an appropriate examination. The price depends, among other things, on the scope and the materials required for the treatment. As the removal of pigmentation disorders is in most cases a purely aesthetic treatment, patients have to bear the costs themselves. Costs can only be covered by health insurance if there is a medical indication. A medical certificate is also required for this.


For more information please contact the Weißensee Skin Center directly

Are you bothered by pigment spots, age spots, moles or warts? We will be happy to explain the treatment options with modern laser technologies to you. During the individual consultation appointment, we will of course also inform you about the exact procedure, the possible risks and the expected costs. You can make an appointment with us by telephone on 030 34 34 70 70, by sending an e-mail to info@hautzentrum-weissensee.de or by using the contact form on our website.


Hautzentrum Weissensee Dr. Kors · Schönstraße 5 · 13086 · Berlin-Weißensee · T 030 34 34 70 70 · ­F 030 34 34 70 72 8

IMPRINT   DATA PROTECTION  Praxis für Dermatologie & Ästhetik ✓ Schwerpunkte: Allergolgogie, Laserbehandlung & Proktologie ✓   TALKING HOURS
