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Laser treatment Berlin at the dermatology practice Dr. Kors Modern laser technology



Laser medicine has developed steadily in recent years. State-of-the-art devices with highly developed technologies, customized for special medical and aesthetic indications, have become an integral part of modern dermatology.

From the treatment of superficial to deep wrinkles, enlarged veins, benign and malignant skin changes and nail fungus to age spots, spider veins and hair removal, at Dr. Kors’ dermatology practice we have the optimal state-of-the-art laser device for each case (e.g. laser treatment). B. Erbium-YAG “Burane XL” with fractionated attachment; KTP “Idas”; Lightsheer (epilation); Revlite; FOX (ARC)).

Based on our many years of experience in the use of laser technology for both medical and aesthetic indications, we tailor a treatment precisely to your needs. Without exception, we rely on devices that bring you maximum effects in just a few sessions and are also gentle and have as few side effects as possible.


Laser treatment – painless and gentle

Treatment with laser is generally perceived as painless. If you still have concerns, the area to be treated can be effectively protected with an anesthetic cream before the procedure. The treatment as such takes about 20 minutes and may have to be repeated several times at intervals of a few weeks, depending on the indication and the desired aesthetic result.

In addition to the treatments listed below, the Weissensee Skin Center also offers the following treatments:


Gentle on the skin thanks to minimally invasive laser treatment

Would you like a solution for areas of skin on the face or legs that are bluish-red in color due to visible tiny blood vessels? At Dr. Kors’ dermatology practice, we recommend the treatment of dilated veins, couperose, haemangiomas and much more with the IDAS laser. Depending on the specific indication, we can individually adjust the penetration depth of the light energy and the amount for optimum aesthetic results.


How does treatment with
the laser?

The target of the laser light is the blood pigment contained in the red blood cells, which is easily visible due to the very superficial blood vessels in the affected areas of skin. We carefully and conscientiously guide the light energy of the laser precisely into the depth of the skin where the offending blood vessel is located. The strong heating of the blood pigment causes the targeted coagulation of the blood and a deliberate vascular occlusion. The target tissue becomes dark and scabby. Within the next few weeks, the destroyed tissue is broken down by the body without leaving any residue. Since the treatment is often perceived as unpleasant, we have an effective pain management system at the dermatology practice of Dr. Kors – talk to us!


Win your
even complexion back

Scars are often not only perceived as aesthetically unpleasant, but they can also be painful, tense or itchy if scar growths (keloids) occur. If the scars are on the face, the physical complaints are often accompanied by a great deal of emotional suffering.

But you no longer have to put up with scars – whether caused by surgery, an accident or acne that has subsided. At our dermatology practice in Berlin-Weißensee, we specialize in the gentle and effective fractional laser treatment of scars to optimize the condition and appearance of your scars.


Even skin texture with the Fraxel laser – how it works:

Gentle impulses promote the self-renewal powers of our skin: In fractional laser treatment, we use a special handpiece to gently pass over the affected areas of skin, whereby individual beams of concentrated light create tiny, closely spaced points of injury deep within the skin. Both the surrounding healthy tissue and the deliberately injured tissue are now stimulated to produce collagen and healthy cells to heal the skin. As a result, scars are visibly evened out and the skin can appear noticeably more even, rosy and younger. Are you interested in treatment with the fractional laser against scars? We will be happy to advise you!

(e.g. FOX from A.C.R. Laser)

Fast, painless and extremely effective

Do you suffer from nail fungus and are frustrated because you have been treating it for a long time without success? Have you been diagnosed with a fungal nail infection and are worried about a time-consuming treatment with uncertain success? Then our dermatological practice Dr. Kors is the right place for you, because we specialize in the ultra-modern method of nail fungus treatment using laser technology.


How does laser treatment for nail fungus work?

The promising laser treatment against nail fungus is generally perceived as painless. Depending on the severity and predisposition of the patient, one to several sessions, each lasting only a few minutes, are necessary for a long-lasting improvement of the fungal infection with subsequent healing.

During treatment, pulse waves triggered by an infrared laser penetrate the fungal structures and destroy them permanently. To keep the risk of reinfection as low as possible, we recommend careful hygiene measures such as disinfecting shoes and socks as well as regular and careful foot care.


Hautzentrum Weissensee Dr. Kors · Schönstraße 5 · 13086 · Berlin-Weißensee · T 030 34 34 70 70 · ­F 030 34 34 70 72 8

IMPRINT   DATA PROTECTION  Praxis für Dermatologie & Ästhetik ✓ Schwerpunkte: Allergolgogie, Laserbehandlung & Proktologie ✓   TALKING HOURS
