For a long time, surgical liposuction was the method of choice for removing unwanted fat deposits. In modern aesthetic medicine, there are now also non-invasive procedures that can contribute to a harmonious, slender body silhouette. One of these options is the treatment with SculpSure® in Berlin. With the help of a special diode laser, light-based energy is emitted into the tissue and the unwanted fat deposits are destroyed by the resulting increase in temperature. The surrounding tissue and other structures are spared, so that the SculpSure® treatment represents a gentle fat reduction without surgery. Patients naturally always have numerous questions before undergoing aesthetic treatment. We have compiled and answered the most frequently asked questions about SculpSure® for you in the following article.
(Image: © Anastasia –
Who is WarmSculpting™ body contouring with SculpSure® suitable for?
Treatment with SculpSure® is used to harmoniously contour areas of the body with excess fat deposits. This means that the aim of the method is not to achieve weight loss or to lose weight. Rather, the aim is to gently remove the stubborn fat cells that cannot be removed with exercise or a healthy diet. The treatment is therefore particularly suitable for people who are bothered by localized fat deposits. However, SculpSure® does not promise successful treatment for overweight patients. In this case, an attempt should first be made to achieve and maintain a normal weight with the help of conservative measures or bariatric surgery. If stubborn fat deposits still remain, contouring with SculpSure® can be considered.
Which areas of the body can be treated?
In principle, it is possible to treat all areas of the body with small, locally defined fat deposits. The SculpSure® device has movable applicators that can be adjusted depending on the treatment region. Common areas include:
- the belly
- the upper arms
- the area between the breast and armpit
- the back
- the waist/hips/flanks
- the thighs
- the calves
- the knees
How do I prepare for the treatment?
No special preparation is required for the SculpSure® treatment. Of course, an individual consultation takes place beforehand to determine whether the treatment method is suitable for your personal wishes. The doctor will also explain the procedure and any risks involved.
Is anesthesia necessary?
No, treatment with SculpSure® is carried out without anesthesia. The application is painless. Only the resulting feeling of warmth can be perceived as somewhat unpleasant by some people.
How long does the treatment with SculpSure® take?
As a so-called lunchtime treatment, the non-invasive laser treatment takes no longer than 25 minutes per area. How many treatments are necessary in each individual case to achieve the best possible result is discussed with the patient personally. As a rule, two treatments are recommended. Depending on individual requirements, several applications may also be useful.
How exactly does the treatment work?
First, the treatment areas are marked. The special applicator is then placed on the area and secured with a strap. The laser light emitted into the tissue achieves high energy absorption in the fatty tissue, where the temperature rises. This causes the fat cells to “melt”. During the treatment, the surface of the skin is cooled so that no burns occur – the intensive increase in temperature therefore only takes place in the deeper tissue.
What happens after the treatment?
After treatment, people can leave the practice immediately and are essentially no longer restricted in their everyday activities. Over the following weeks, the body’s own lymphatic system removes the destroyed fat cells. It also stimulates natural collagen production, which has an additional tightening effect on the skin in the area. This positive side effect can take up to six months to become visible. The result of the treatment is therefore not immediately recognizable. It sets in after about ten to twelve weeks. The first positive effects can often be seen after just six weeks.
Do I need any special aftercare?
Usually no special aftercare measures need to be considered. At most, patients should avoid strong sun exposure for four weeks. A high fluid intake can also have a positive effect, as it supports the removal of fat cells.
Are there any risks?
The general risks of surgery do not apply to treatment with SculpSure®, as it does not involve skin incisions or general anesthesia. Mild discomfort can be a feeling of tightness on the skin or slight redness. Regular cooling can help them to subside early on. Burns are virtually impossible thanks to the innovative cooling system. If temporary hardening occurs, it can be loosened by light massaging. They are an indicator of fat loss in this area and are generally harmless. Immediately after the treatment, you may experience a feeling similar to sore muscles. This usually subsides after a few hours.
Can the fat cells come back?
No, because once fat cells have been removed they cannot regenerate. The remaining fat cells are able to change their size. This means that a healthy lifestyle with plenty of exercise is still necessary in order to enjoy a harmonious and slim body shape in the long term.