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March 19, 2024

Innovative incontinence treatment – advantages of Emsella®

BTL Emsella treatment Dr. Kors
Emsella® from the BTL Group

Incontinence is a very sensitive issue that is often associated with discomfort, shame and restrictions in everyday life for those affected. The fear of sudden urine loss (e.g. when laughing, sneezing or doing sport) reduces the quality of life and sometimes causes those affected to withdraw. One of the most modern treatment options for stress incontinence is treatment with
. The pelvic floor muscles are trained 100 percent and thus sustainably strengthened. A strong pelvic floor helps to regain feeling and control over the bladder. In this article, we show you how Emsella® works and the benefits of the training.

The active principle of Emsella®

Emsella® is a special medical chair on which the patient sits fully clothed. The chair generates a high-frequency electromagnetic field. The waves specifically stimulate the muscles of the pelvic floor and cause them to contract. This gives the muscles an optimal workout. Muscle building is therefore many times more effective than with conventional training.

Regular use can strengthen the pelvic floor muscles in the long term. For an initial build-up of the pelvic floor muscles, we generally recommend six sessions with two sessions per week for our patients. The positive results can be maintained through regular refreshments. The distances are individual. As a rule, it is advisable to repeat the treatment every few months in order to continue supporting the strong pelvic floor muscles.

Emsella® – who is the treatment suitable for?

Bladder weakness is often associated with women in or after the menopause. Hormonal changes during the menopause often lead to stress incontinence. Emsella® offers a gentle and uncomplicated solution here. But Emsella® is not only a suitable method for these patients: the treatment can help both women and men who suffer from incontinence. Emsella® is also suitable for strengthening the muscles in the center of the body. This can have an effect on individual performance and also improve posture. For this reason, Emsella® is also used by professional athletes.

A positive side effect of the treatment is that it can also increase the individual’s sense of pleasure. Emsella® is therefore also known as the orgasm chair.

The advantages at a glance

1. gentle procedure
Emsella® is a very gentle treatment method that does not require skin incisions, injections, anesthesia or chemical substances. The electromagnetic field stimulates the muscles without electricity flowing through the body. The body is therefore hardly stressed. The treatment can therefore be regarded more as a very effective workout without exercise.

2. rapid treatment
A treatment with Emsella® takes about 30 minutes. No special preparation or aftercare is necessary. Due to this short treatment time, Emsella® is one of the so-called lunchtime treatments.

3. uncomplicated and secure
Treatment with Emsella® is very simple. All you have to do is sit on the chair and let it work for you. During the 30-minute treatment, you can relax and don’t need to do anything else. The efficacy and safety of the procedure has been tested and certified by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

4. hardly any side effects or risks
There are hardly any known side effects with Emsella®. During treatment, the muscle contractions can be felt as pulling or pressure. This is completely normal and experience has shown that it is not painful. A kind of muscle soreness may occur after use. As with conventional training, Emsella® also strains the muscles, which can be noticeable over the next few days.

5. no downtime
You do not need to take it easy after treatment with Emsella®. You are immediately fully fit for social life and work again. All activities, sports and sauna can be carried out as usual.

6. maximum training success
The stimulation of the muscles by Emsella® leads to a maximum contraction, whereby the muscles are perfectly addressed and trained. This allows the muscles to be optimally built up and strengthened. In some cases, conventional pelvic floor training is not possible or does not produce the desired results. Then Emsella® is also a gentle and effective alternative.

7. repeatable at any time
As Emsella® generally has no side effects and does not have a negative impact on the body, the treatment can be repeated at any time without any risks or problems. This can improve the quality of life of incontinence patients or optimally supplement the training plan of professional athletes.

More about Emsella® at the Weißensee Skin Center

We will be happy to show you in a personal consultation how Emsella® can help you achieve greater well-being. All the details of the treatment, the application options, the procedure and the costs are discussed in detail. Of course, you can also clarify your questions about Emsella® directly with Dr. Kors. Simply make an appointment via our online booking system or by telephone on 030 34 34 70 70. We look forward to helping you.

last update: 19.03.2024

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