With increasing age, the skin loses its firmness and elasticity, resulting in wrinkles and individual volume deficits. Areas such as the jawline or the cheeks can lose their youthful contours and begin to sag, making the face look older and more relaxed. One possibility for harmonious correction is treatment with hyaluronic acid. As it can bind large amounts of fluid, it is able to smooth the skin from the inside out, replenish volume and boost the skin’s moisture balance. The active ingredient has proven itself in different ways in both aesthetic medicine and general medicine.
(Image: ©Drobot Dean – stock.adobe.com)
Hyaluronic acid as an anti-ageing agent
One of the best-known areas of application for hyaluronic acid is the treatment of wrinkles . When injecting wrinkles, the doctor injects the active ingredient under the skin. Hyaluronic acid binds fluid in the tissue and thus plumps up unwelcome unevenness. As hyaluronic acid is a substance produced naturally in the body, side effects such as allergies and intolerances are extremely rare. As hyaluronic acid stimulates the formation of new connective tissue structures, a natural tightening effect is also achieved.
In the field of “beauty treatments”, hyaluronic acid is also used for volume treatment. If areas such as the cheeks have lost fullness, hyaluronic acid can be used to replenish these areas and emphasize individual contours. Hyaluronic acid can also be used to give the lips more fullness and an aesthetic shape.
Moisturizing properties for skin, eyes and nose
The moisture-binding properties of hyaluronic acid are used to rejuvenate the appearance of the skin. Hyaluronic acid is also often an important component of eye drops and nasal sprays. Here, hyaluronic acid has the task of soothing the irritated areas of the body. Working at a PC or wearing contact lenses can put a lot of strain on the eyes and dry them out. Eye drops with hyaluronic acid help to restore the moisture balance of the eyes.
The situation is similar with the nose: colds and frequent snorting can irritate the mucous membranes. Hyaluronic acid increases the moisture of the nasal mucosa and thus reduces unpleasant burning sensations. Medication for treating the throat and neck area also often contains hyaluronic acid to prevent the mucous membranes from drying out as much as possible.
Hyaluronic acid for osteoarthritis
The body’s connective tissue in particular contains a high proportion of hyaluronic acid. A large amount of the substance is therefore also found in the joint cartilage. Among other things, it ensures that the joint components are “lubricated” and can slide together optimally.
Joint wear and tear (osteoarthritis) is one of the most widespread and common joint diseases. The constant movement and strain on the joints can cause them to wear out. Osteoarthritis cannot be cured; instead, the damaged joint bodies are treated surgically or replaced with prostheses.
Before it gets that far, the first signs of osteoarthritis are often treated with minimally invasive procedures to counteract a worsening of the disease. One option is the injection of hyaluronic acid. This binds to the existing joint cartilage and supports its function. This increases the gliding ability of the joints in the long term. The formation of new connective tissue is also stimulated.
Faster healing thanks to hyaluronic acid?
Studies have investigated the role of hyaluronic acid in wound healing. Among other things, it was found that hyaluronic acid makes an important contribution to the complete regeneration of injured tissue during embryonic development. Hyaluronic acid is active throughout the entire wound healing process. If an injury occurs, an increased concentration of hyaluronic acid can be detected. It transports immune cells to the site of injury, where they initiate the important inflammatory reaction as an immune response. Macrophages, which serve to clean the wound, are also directed there.
The inflammation phase is followed by the so-called granulation phase. It is primarily used for cell division and new cell formation. The granulation tissue has a high proportion of hyaluronic acid. This ensures that important nutrients and oxygen can be quickly delivered to the tissue, which promotes wound healing.
Hyaluronic acid is also present in the final epithelialization phase. It controls the formation of new, healthy skin and reduces the storage of collagen. This leads to a reduction in scarring.
Further information on hyaluronic acid and the treatment options
Hyaluronic acid is a fascinating active ingredient that can be used in many different ways. In our practice, it plays an important role in the range of treatment options for the skin. We would be happy to inform and advise you on how hyaluronic acid can help you achieve a fresh and healthy complexion. One appointment by telephone, e-mail or via our contact form.