Wrinkles and loss of volume are consequences of the natural ageing process. They are therefore completely normal and occur sooner or later in everyone. However, these changes are often perceived as very unpleasant and disturbing, as they can give the face a tired and tired look. In the field of gentle aesthetics, numerous treatment methods have been established that enable harmonious rejuvenation without surgical intervention. In this article, we want to look at how wrinkles develop in the first place, how they can be prevented and what options are available to gently remove annoying wrinkles.
The key players in young skin: collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid
Young, beautiful and healthy skin is often characterized by an even and firm complexion. Collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid are primarily responsible for this. Collagen is a so-called structural protein that is found in large quantities in connective tissue in a coiled form. This sinuous structure makes it stable and elastic at the same time. Together with the other structural protein elastin, it forms a kind of scaffold in the connective tissue and in the skin, which supports firmness and elasticity.
Another important component for young and beautiful skin is hyaluronic acid. It is also produced by the body and binds a lot of water. This provides the skin with valuable moisture and helps to keep it plump and youthful. Hyaluronic acid also supports a harmonious volume (e.g. on the cheeks).
What happens as the skin ages?
Over time, the body produces less collagen and elastin. At the same time, the metabolism changes and the repair mechanisms run more slowly. This causes the collagen framework to lose stability and the skin to sag, which contributes to wrinkles and sunken areas.
Hyaluronic acid deposits also decrease with increasing age. This can cause the skin to lose its youthful volume and contours. It can also become drier, which can lead to skin irritation.
What accelerates skin ageing?
Exactly when skin ageing begins and how quickly it progresses varies from person to person. The process of hyaluronic acid, collagen and elastin degradation begins around the mid-20s. The first visible changes often occur after the age of 30.
In addition to genetic predisposition, lifestyle also influences skin ageing. Certain factors can contribute to the skin losing collagen and hyaluronic acid more quickly and wrinkles appearing earlier. These factors include:
How can you prevent wrinkles?
Skin ageing cannot be completely prevented, but with certain measures you can actively contribute to keeping your skin and your appearance looking young and fresh for as long as possible. A healthy diet and a healthy lifestyle are the basis for this. You should also protect your skin from strong UV radiation. Sunscreen with a high sun protection factor (50+) is important, but also make sure that you do not overexpose your skin to the sun despite using sunscreen.
You can also support your skin with the right care. Which products are suitable depends on your skin type and the characteristics of your skin. Some need rich care with a high proportion of protective lipids, others mainly need moisturizing products. A professional deep skin analysis provides information about what your skin needs and how you can best care for it. In our institute we offer the 3D deep skin analysis with VISIA® Gen7 in our institute.
Gentle aesthetic treatments for skin rejuvenation at a glance
For the wrinkle treatment and skin rejuvenation, our institute offers a range of gentle treatment methods. In an individual consultation, we clarify which methods are best suited to your wishes. Here is a brief overview of the various options:
Treatment with hyaluronic acid
During the hyaluronic acid treatment
hyaluronic acid
is injected into the desired region using a fine cannula. In this way, annoying wrinkles can be smoothed out and harmonious volume can be built up in a targeted manner.
Treatment with Botox®
botulinum toxin type A (Botox®)
is mainly used to reduce mimic wrinkles. The active ingredient reduces muscle activity, which means that the annoying wrinkles are no longer activated – muscles and skin relax.
Microneedling & RF microneedling
With the
small needles are repeatedly inserted into the skin. The resulting micro-injuries in the tissue are neither painful nor dangerous, but stimulate the body’s own repair mechanisms. This produces new cells and collagen, which rejuvenate the skin’s appearance in the long term. In addition to classic microneedling, our practice also offers
RF microneedling
in which additional radio frequency energy is delivered into the tissue. This increases collagen formation and the harmonious tightening effect.
Vampirelift/PRP therapy
At the
vampire lift
uses the patient’s own blood to achieve the desired rejuvenating effect. The medical term is PRP (platelet-rich plasma). PRP is rich in growth factors and stimulates the formation of fine blood capillaries and collagen.
Chemical peelings
Chemical peels
aim to remove damaged skin layers. The chemical substances are applied to the skin and cause a “peeling process” in which the top layer of skin peels off to reveal fresh, healthy skin cells. Peelings are available in different strengths and depths – deeper peelings, as the name suggests, penetrate deeper into the tissue and bring about a rejuvenation and repair process. However, beautiful results can also be achieved with gentle, superficial peelings.
HydraFacial® treatment
is a special method that uses a pen-like attachment to remove dry skin cells from the upper layer of the skin. A peeling is then applied to loosen impurities in the skin channels, which are then removed using so-called vortex technology. The impurities are “sucked out” by a vacuum, which opens the skin channels. Important care substances can then be introduced directly into the skin.
Cosmeceuticals are highly effective cosmetic products. Their active concentrations are on the borderline of pharmaceutical products. These cosmeceuticals enable intensive skin care that protects and supports the cells. In addition, repair and regeneration processes are stimulated, which leads to natural skin rejuvenation. In our institute we offer products from
and Dermalogica®.
Want to find out more?
We will be happy to advise you in detail about the various gentle treatment methods for skin rejuvenation. Simply make an appointment for a non-binding consultation in our practice. Appointments can also be made conveniently online – Click here for online booking .
last update: 22.04.2024