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July 21, 2020

How can tattoos be removed?

Tattoo removal with laser BerlinTattoos have become socially acceptable. Around one in ten Germans already wears their own individual skin jewelry. Even if it is clear at the time of getting the tattoo that it is the ideal spot and the desired motif, opinions about the tattoo can change over the years. Some motifs do not look as hoped, others lose their meaning over time – the reasons are very individual and different. If people no longer enjoy their tattoos, but find them annoying, laser tattoo removal can be a good option. Tattoo removal by laser can be considered. Modern lasers are able to gently fade both black and colored tattoos.

(Image: © Damian Gretka – stock.adobe.com)

How does tattoo removal work?

The body already tries to eliminate the introduced dyes from the cells on its own, but is unable to do so. With the help of targeted laser treatment, the color pigments in the cells are “blown up”. The body can remove and break down these tiny color residues. The light pulses from the laser mainly reach dark and red colors. Yellow, orange and violet tones, on the other hand, absorb the light pulses less well. In addition, lighter colors often contain more pigments, which are more finely distributed under the skin. Experience has shown that they are therefore more difficult to remove than black tattoos, for example.

Modern treatment methods for tattoo removal include nanosecond and picosecond lasers. They send light pulses into the tissue in fractions of a second to remove the color particles. The treatment is extremely painless. Slight feelings of tension are possible. Patients often compare it to the feeling of sunburn. If desired, the treatment areas can be made less sensitive to pain beforehand with an appropriate ointment.

Can all tattoos be removed?

In principle, modern lasers can be used to reduce all types of tattoos. Several sessions are required for each tattoo. After each application, the colors fade a little more at best, until the tattoo is no longer visible or only very faintly visible. However, a guarantee for complete removal cannot be given. The number of treatment sessions required also depends on the size, intensity, color and quality of the tattoo. The age of the tattoo does not usually play a significant role. With older tattoos, however, it is possible that the color particles are more strongly locked in the skin tissue, which means that more treatment sessions may be required. In addition, tattoos that have been professionally applied are generally easier to remove than tattoos applied by an amateur.

There should be a certain period of time between the tattoo being applied and its removal so that the skin has the opportunity to recover and regenerate. In the case of freshly engraved tattoos, you should wait at least three months before undergoing laser removal. There is also a break of several weeks between individual laser treatments to allow the skin to regenerate. An interval of at least eight weeks is ideal.

Is tattoo removal bad for your health?

The skin is already damaged when the tattoo is applied, because the most dangerous thing for the body is the tattoo ink itself. During tattooing, most of the ink enters the body. Even when the tattoo is removed, there is a residual risk of particles remaining in the tissue. Laser treatment itself, on the other hand, is a particularly gentle method that does not burn or otherwise damage the surface of the skin. Scars from the laser are therefore not to be expected, although the scars from the tattooing itself may become more visible.

Inflammatory processes play a decisive role in the removal of paint residues. The treated areas may therefore be temporarily swollen and reddened or feel warm to the touch.

Patients should make sure that they only consult a qualified specialist in order to minimize the risks as much as possible. If used incorrectly, harmful substances can be deposited in the tissue and lead to unpleasant and unhealthy reactions. Currently, the use of lasers is not restricted to people with medical training. From December 2020, tattoo removal will only be carried out by licensed doctors. Additional defined requirements are to be added from December 2021.

Are there alternatives to tattoo removal?

Another option for concealing a tattoo that is no longer wanted is a so-called cover-up. A new motif is engraved over the unpleasant skin pattern. This option is ideal if only the motif or the design of the tattoo is not to the person’s liking, but they would like to keep or modify their body jewelry.

Before the cover-up, however, the relevant areas should be pre-treated with the laser to lighten the tattoo and prepare it for a new tattoo. In most cases, two sessions are enough to fade the colors to the point where they can be touched up and an attractive result is achieved.

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