Bladder weakness is a widespread issue. Involuntary loss of urine can affect both women and men. However, the risk is often greater for women, as various favorable factors such as pregnancy and hormonal changes can weaken the pelvic floor muscles. Bladder weakness is more common in older women than in younger women – but this does not mean that young women are completely excluded.
For those affected, bladder weakness is often not only a heavy burden, but also a very intimate matter that people are reluctant to talk about openly. Modern medicine offers various options for the gentle treatment of bladder weakness. An innovative process here is the BTL Emsella® which stimulates the pelvic floor muscles and thus counteracts a sensitive bladder.
(Image: © mraoraor – stock.adobe.com)
Tasks of the bladder
Basically, the bladder has two tasks. On the one hand, it should hold the urine. To do this, it must be able to stretch. Urine accumulates in the bladder and does not flow out via the urethra because the sphincter muscle is tense and thus seals the bladder. The second function of the bladder is to release urine in a controlled manner. The bladder muscle contracts for this process. At the same time, the sphincter muscle relaxes so that the urine can be drained via the urethra.
The brain, nerves and muscles all play an important role in ensuring that everything runs smoothly. The coordinated system can be faulty at various points, so there are several possible causes of bladder weakness.
What causes bladder weakness?
The reason for involuntary loss of urine is often weakened pelvic floor muscles. The causes and triggers for this can be of various kinds, including
Due to anatomical characteristics, women tend to be affected by bladder weakness more often than men. The female pelvis is usually wider than the male. This means that the pelvic floor muscles have to work harder. In addition, the area is particularly stressed during pregnancy and childbirth.
Different forms of bladder weakness
There are not only different causes that can lead to bladder weakness, but also different forms of involuntary loss of urine.
- Stress incontinence
Stress incontinence is the most common form of bladder weakness in women. It is a disorder of the closure mechanism of the urethra. If the pressure in the abdominal cavity and/or the bladder increases, the bladder empties involuntarily. This can happen, for example, when sneezing, coughing, climbing stairs, laughing or doing sport. Depending on its severity, stress incontinence occurs either only during strenuous activities or even with the slightest movements or even at rest.
- Urge incontinence
With urge incontinence, sufferers experience a sudden urge to urinate, which intensifies so quickly that they are no longer able to hold their urine. Those affected often have to go to the toilet at very short intervals. This can be an enormous burden, especially at night or outside your own four walls.
Urge incontinence is the most common form of bladder weakness in men.
- Overflow incontinence
With this form of bladder weakness, the natural pressure balance between the bladder and urethra is no longer correct. The bladder is stretched until its pressure is higher than that in the urethra. At this point it empties, but there is always some urine left in the bladder.
- Reflex incontinence
Reflex incontinence is a rare form of bladder weakness. Due to a neurological injury or maldevelopment, those affected by reflex incontinence can neither start nor stop emptying their bladder voluntarily.
- Mixed incontinence
Mixed incontinence is a combination of stress and urge incontinence. Older women in particular often develop urge incontinence in addition to existing stress incontinence.
What can I do to treat a weak bladder myself?
To counteract a weak bladder, pelvic floor exercises are recommended. This strengthens the muscles in the abdomen, which helps the bladder to hold the urine.
It is also important to drink enough. This may sound paradoxical at first, but an appropriate fluid intake of around one and a half to two liters per day not only supports the skin, but also the entire body – and the bladder. Suitable liquids are water and unsweetened teas. There are also certain herbal teas that are said to help with bladder weakness. Drinks containing caffeine and alcohol should also be avoided as far as possible, as they have a diuretic effect. These include coffee, energy drinks and black tea.
Other options for preventing and treating a weak bladder include a healthy and balanced diet, exercise and weight reduction (if you are overweight).
What is the BTL Emsella® and how can it help me?
The BTL Emsella® works with so-called HIFEM technology (high-intensity focused electromagnetic technology), in which a focused electromagnetic field is generated. These electromagnetic waves stimulate the deep pelvic floor muscles. They cause the muscles to contract, which trains them.
During the treatment, the patient sits relaxed on the special chair. Clothing can remain on the body as normal. For about 30 minutes, the stool generates electromagnetic waves that are transmitted to the tissue and muscles in the abdomen. This results in muscle movements (contractions). The pelvic floor is thus specifically stimulated and trained. For the patient, the treatment merely feels like a slight tingling sensation or a weak vibration.
The treatment is uncomplicated, gentle and safe. Regular use tones and strengthens the pelvic floor muscles. This counteracts unpleasant bladder weakness and thus ensures a better quality of life and more self-confidence in everyday life.