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Dermatology Berlin

At the dermatology practice of Dr. Christian Kors in Berlin-Weißensee, we specialize in the prevention, detection and treatment of diseases of the skin, mucous membranes close to the skin, hair and nails. Dr. Kors specializes in malignant and benign skin changes and also works in dermatosurgery. In addition, the use of state-of-the-art medical technology guarantees you innovative treatment methods based on the latest scientific findings.

Whether it’s computer-aided skin cancer screening, the use of gentle laser technology or photodynamic therapy (PDT) for the treatment of skin cancer and its precursors – we provide you with expert dermatological services.

Based on a comprehensive consultation and a careful diagnosis, we develop a customized treatment plan for you. In this way, we support you in achieving your treatment goals quickly and effectively.


At the dermatology practice of Dr. Christian Kors, we dedicate ourselves intensively to the diagnosis and treatment of skin diseases of all kinds. We know that those affected often not only suffer from physical complaints such as itching, inflammatory reactions or pain, but also find the emotional distress caused by externally visible changes stressful.

At the dermatology practice of Dr. Christian Kors, therapy and treatment are based on the latest medical findings and our many years of experience.

It is always our aim to heal skin diseases quickly and effectively, provide targeted care for diseased skin and alleviate chronic symptoms. The medicines available for external and internal use are applied gently and effectively according to your individual needs.


The findings of modern science confirm that careful, computer-aided skin cancer screening can have a decisive effect on the course and chances of recovery from skin cancer.

In our dermatology department, we use the high-tech method of skin cancer screening by means of digital reflected light microscopy and subsequent image storage. In a thorough full-body examination, individual moles (nevi) are examined in detail and photographed at regular intervals. This allows moles to be analyzed for any changes over time and treated effectively in a timely manner.

Modern skin cancer screening can save lives – we will be happy to remind you regularly of your next screening appointment.


With the modern procedure of photodynamic therapy (PDT), selected skin cancer precursors and tumors (e.g. actinic keratoses) can be treated sustainably – uncomplicated, without surgery and with good cosmetic results. Before treatment, a light-sensitizing cream is applied to the affected areas of skin, which is then embedded in the tumour cells. A subsequent 10-minute exposure leads to the destruction of the tumor cells without damaging the healthy skin.

Did you know that a side effect of photodynamic therapy is significant skin rejuvenation? Gentle irradiation leads to the formation of new collagen and stimulates the skin’s own regeneration processes – for healthy, visibly firmer skin.

Independent of medical treatment, the PDT procedure can also be used for purely aesthetic treatments. We will be happy to advise you in detail.


Hautzentrum Weissensee Dr. Kors · Schönstraße 5 · 13086 · Berlin-Weißensee · T 030 34 34 70 70 · ­F 030 34 34 70 72 8

IMPRINT   DATA PROTECTION  Praxis für Dermatologie & Ästhetik ✓ Schwerpunkte: Allergolgogie, Laserbehandlung & Proktologie ✓   TALKING HOURS
