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May 30, 2023

BTL Emsella®: gentle improvement of sexual health with the “orgasm chair”

Emsella™ Orgasm Chair
© simona – stock.adobe.com

Intimate well-being and sexuality are important topics for an all-round good body feeling. As part of the natural ageing process and with the onset of the menopause, many women notice a change in their sexual health and desire. Hormonal processes in particular have a major influence here. Even if these changes are completely normal and natural, you don’t have to simply accept the consequences and adapt. A gentle way to improve your quality of life and positively support your sex life is offered by modern treatment with the BTL Emsella® – the so-called “orgasm chair”. The aim of BTL Emsella® is to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles and stimulate the body’s own rejuvenation processes in the intimate area in order to improve intimate health, satisfaction and the ability to orgasm.

How do these changes come about?

Hormonal fluctuations occur in the course of life. They are triggered by various factors such as individual lifestyle or medication. The menopause brings about a major change, as the production of the female sex hormone oestrogen gradually ceases. One of the consequences of this is that the vaginal skin loses elasticity and firmness. This is often associated with a decrease in sexual desire, which is usually very stressful and frustrating for the women affected.

What is behind the “orgasm chair”?

Admittedly, the treatment may seem a little strange or bizarre at first glance, but it deals with very important topics that are often unjustly taboo even today: intimate well-being and sexual sensation. The BTL Emsella® is basically a very effective and intensive workout for the muscles in the pelvic floor area. The specially developed device works with a highly focused electromagnetic field, HIFEM (high-intensity electromagnetic field) for short. This ensures that the muscles in the pelvic area contract and are trained 100 percent. The muscles are gradually built up and improved, which for many women is also reflected in their ability to orgasm.

Emsella® treatment procedure

The treatment is uncomplicated, quick and not stressful for the body. During the treatment, you sit relaxed and normally clothed on the BTL Emsella® while it does the work. Anesthesia is not necessary – the procedure is painless and safe. You will only feel a slight vibration and possibly a feeling of tension, but most patients do not find this unpleasant. After approx. 30 minutes the treatment is finished and you can return to your usual activities.

The treatment sessions take place at regular intervals. The number and treatment intervals are determined individually. As a rule, we recommend at least six sessions (two per week) to our patients in order to achieve optimum results. As with conventional training, continuity is the key to success with the Emsella® treatment.

What else can the Emsella® chair do?

In addition to improving the ability to orgasm and sexual pleasure, another benefit of the BTL Emsella® is the treatment of incontinence. As the tissue and muscles become slack, many people develop a form of incontinence in old age, which can be mild or more severe. Stress and stress incontinence are particularly common. Simply sneezing or climbing stairs is enough to cause the bladder to empty a little, which is very unpleasant and annoying for those affected.

Intensive muscle training makes it possible to reduce bladder weakness in the long term and to do without aids such as panty liners from now on. In this area too, Emsella® helps to improve quality of life and, above all, joie de vivre, making it easier to enjoy everyday life.

Emsella® – not just for women going through the menopause

Treatment with the Emsella® chair is not only suitable when intimate changes are triggered by the menopause. Young women can also benefit from this gentle treatment. Especially after childbirth, intensive pelvic floor training with Emsella® can be a good way to promote involution in a natural and effective way. Treatment can be started around eight to ten weeks after delivery, as it does not place any strain on the body and has no negative effects on mother or child.

Moreover, treatment with the BTL Emsella® is not limited to women. Even though the topic of pelvic floor muscles is often associated with the female body, BTL Emsella® also offers benefits for men. The procedure counteracts intimate discomfort and incontinence. Among other things, the treatment can alleviate prostate problems.

Do you have any questions about BTL Emsella®?

Would you like to find out more about the possibilities of treatment with Emsella®? We have been offering this procedure at our institute for a long time and have had very good experiences with it. We would be happy to advise you and inform you about the advantages that Emsella® has in store for you. Contact us by telephone on 030/34347070 or conveniently arrange a consultation via our online booking system . We look forward to seeing you!

last update: 30.05.2023

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