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Smooth legs for the summer – how laser hair removal works

Lidstraffung ohne OP Plasmage®

Die Augenpartie verrät viel über den Gemütszustand und die allgemeine Gesundheit. Eine kurze und nicht erholsame Nacht kann sich beispielsweise in dunklen Augenringen und müden Augen zeigen. Doch was ist, wenn Sie sich eigentlich fit, ausgeruht und aktiv fühlen, Ihr Augenbereich jedoch eine ganz andere Geschichte erzählt? Eine abgespannte…

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Smooth legs for the summer – how laser hair removal works

©Cutera, Secret™ PRO

Wenn es um Hautverjüngung und Faltenbehandlung geht, rücken Natürlichkeit und schonende Verfahren immer mehr in den Vordergrund. Im letzten Artikel haben wir uns bereits mit dem Trend der Biostimulation beschäftigt. Auch das Microneedling beziehungsweise Radiofrequenz-Microneedling nutzt körpereigene Reparatur- …

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Smooth legs for the summer – how laser hair removal works

Tattooentfernung per Laser Dr. Kors

Der Wunsch, eine Tätowierung zu entfernen, kann verschiedene Gründe haben. So kann die Tätowierung nicht mehr zur aktuellen Lebenssituation passen, an Qualität verloren haben oder eine „Jugendsünde“ sein, die man nicht mehr auf der Haut tragen möchte. Mithilfe moderner Laserbehandlungen ist es möglich, Tätowierungen für…

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Smooth legs for the summer – how laser hair removal works

Laser hair removal Dr. Kors

Body hair has a protective function. It is designed to protect the body from the cold and UV radiation. It was probably more pronounced in our early ancestors. Over time, this function became less important as people found other ways to protect themselves. Today, the aesthetic aspect of body hair often takes center stage. Some people do…

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Smooth legs for the summer – how laser hair removal works

Laser hair removal Dr. Kors

Body hair has a protective function. It is designed to protect the body from the cold and UV radiation. It was probably more pronounced in our early ancestors. Over time, this function became less important as people found other ways to protect themselves. Today, the aesthetic aspect of body hair often takes center stage. Some people do…

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How do wrinkles develop – and how can they be treated gently?

Wrinkle treatment without surgery
©iStock.com/Dmytro Buianskyi

Wrinkles and loss of volume are consequences of the natural ageing process. They are therefore completely normal and occur sooner or later in everyone. However, these changes are often perceived as very unpleasant and disturbing, as they can give the face a tired and tired look. In the field of gentle aesthetics, numerous treatment…

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AviClear®: What really helps against acne?

AviClear treatment Cutera with Dr. Kors
AviClear®from Cutera

Acne is one of the most common skin diseases. It is not dangerous in itself, but can be very annoying and severely restrict the quality of life of those affected. The pustules, nodules and inflammations can cause pain, burning and itching. If the areas are scratched, this can lead to further inflammation, infection and scarring. Are there…

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Innovative incontinence treatment – advantages of Emsella®

BTL Emsella treatment Dr. Kors
Emsella® from the BTL Group

Incontinence is a very sensitive issue that is often associated with discomfort, shame and restrictions in everyday life for those affected. The fear of sudden urine loss (e.g. when laughing, sneezing or doing sport) reduces the quality of life and sometimes causes those affected to withdraw. One of the most modern treatment options…

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Do I have an allergy? State-of-the-art allergy diagnostics at the Weißensee Skin Center

Allergy diagnostics I Dr. Kors practice
ALEX 2 from MADx

The pollen season has begun. Due to the very mild February, early bloomers such as hazel and alder are already in full bloom and some of them are covered in very intense dust. For allergy sufferers, this means early exposure. According to the RKI, around 15 percent of the population in Germany are affected by hay fever. What can be signs of an

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Innovation in acne treatment: laser treatment with AviClear®

AviClear® laser treatment against acne
© iStock.com/Biserka Stojanovic

They usually start during puberty: Skin blemishes and pimples. The hormonal changes in the body are noticeable on the skin of many young people. Almost everyone is familiar with pimples and blackheads. Around half of adolescents have so-called physiological acne during puberty, in which pimples and blackheads appear from…

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Hautzentrum Weissensee Dr. Kors · Schönstraße 5 · 13086 · Berlin-Weißensee · T 030 34 34 70 70 · ­F 030 34 34 70 72 8

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