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Dr. Kors | Allergology Berlin
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Many people suffer from allergic reactions – often without even knowing it. Current studies show that only 7% of all those affected receive adequate specialist care.

At the dermatology practice of Dr. Christian Kors in Berlin-Weißensee, it is therefore particularly important to us to raise your awareness of this issue. No matter what symptoms you suffer from on your skin or mucous membranes – talk to us. Together we will get to the bottom of your health problems.

The basis of any targeted allergy therapy is a precise diagnosis. In our practice, we rely on advanced diagnostics based on the latest scientific findings.

Modern allergology offers numerous innovative methods to effectively treat and alleviate both causes and symptoms. Hyposensitization in the form of drops, tablets or injections in particular is an excellent therapeutic option for alleviating allergic reactions in the long term or even preventing them altogether.


Hautzentrum Weissensee Dr. Kors · Schönstraße 5 · 13086 · Berlin-Weißensee · T 030 34 34 70 70 · ­F 030 34 34 70 72 8

IMPRINT   DATA PROTECTION  Praxis für Dermatologie & Ästhetik ✓ Schwerpunkte: Allergolgogie, Laserbehandlung & Proktologie ✓   TALKING HOURS
