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Wrinkle treatment in Berlin – gentle therapies for a younger and fresher appearance

The formation of wrinkles is a completely natural process. Nevertheless, some people find certain wrinkles disturbing and unsightly. For a young and radiant appearance, surgery is not immediately necessary. Minimally invasive wrinkle treatment in Berlin offers various options for patients who would like to have their wrinkles reduced and want more fullness and firmness in their face. The gentle therapies can also be used to remove skin impurities and refine the skin’s appearance. We will discuss which of the individual treatment options we can combine to create a suitable treatment concept in your case during an individual consultation at our practice Hautzentrum Weißensee.


Typical reasons for wrinkle treatment

In the course of the natural ageing process, the skin loses elasticity and resilience. In addition, fatty tissue and even the bony skull change. This can lead to sunken areas, wrinkles and volume deficits. These changes can become visible early on, particularly in the face, and can make the person concerned look older and more relaxed than they feel. The primary aim of wrinkle treatment is not to completely remove all age-related changes. Rather, the aim is to develop a personal concept to reduce changes that are perceived as disruptive and to emphasize individual beauty. Particular care is taken to ensure that the typical facial features are not lost and that the face does not appear mask-like or artificial.


The different types of pleats

In general, two types of wrinkles can be distinguished. In the case of so-called orthostatic wrinkles, the natural reduction in skin elasticity combined with the influence of gravity leads to the formation of unwelcome unevenness. This is why they are also referred to as gravity-induced wrinkles. In contrast, mimic wrinkles are caused by regular, typical movements of the facial muscles. For example, wrinkles are activated and become visible when the eyebrows are raised or drawn together or when smiling. Over time, the wrinkles deepen and often make the affected person feel uncomfortable with their tired or even grim expression.


Which wrinkle treatment is right for me?

It is not possible to say in general terms which method of wrinkle treatment achieves the best results. This essentially depends on the individual findings. This means that a detailed doctor-patient consultation takes place first to determine which wrinkles or other age-related changes in the face are perceived as disturbing. There are specific treatment options for the different types of wrinkles as well as for correcting volume loss and improving the appearance of the skin. They can either be carried out as a single treatment or combined with each other. We therefore create an individual treatment concept for each of our patients that is precisely tailored to their needs.


Wrinkle treatment with Botox®

Botulinum toxin is one of the most common anti-ageing agents used in aesthetic medicine. The active ingredient is better known under the brand name Botox®. Wrinkle treatment with Botox® is used to reduce mimic wrinkles. Once the botulinum toxin has been injected into the relevant areas, it inhibits the transmission of information from the nerve to the muscle. As soon as the muscle can no longer contract, the facial features are smoothed and the unpleasant expression lines can no longer be fully activated.

The injection of Botox® takes about 30 minutes. Anesthesia is not usually necessary, but sensitive areas can be made insensitive to pain using an anesthetic cream or local anesthetic. The effect of botulinum toxin unfolds gradually. The effect reaches its peak after about ten days.

The body breaks down the botulinum toxin naturally within a few months. The wrinkle-smoothing effect of the treatment therefore also diminishes. If patients want a lasting result, the wrinkle treatment with Botox® can be repeated to refresh the effect. The exact duration of effect can vary from person to person. On average, wrinkle treatment with Botox® lasts around four to six months.


Wrinkle injection with hyaluronic acid

Wrinkle injections with hyaluronic acid have become established in aesthetic medicine for the treatment of wrinkles caused by gravity and for the correction of volume deficits. The hyaluronic acid produced synthetically for injection therapy is very similar to the body’s own hyaluronic acid. This means that wrinkle injections with hyaluronic acid are particularly well tolerated and gentle. The tasks that hyaluronic acid performs in the human body include maintaining skin elasticity, acting as a lubricant for the joints and participating in biochemical reactions such as cell division and cell migration.

Hyaluronic acid is particularly suitable as a filler for wrinkle injections as it has the ability to bind a lot of moisture. This enables it to plump up wrinkles from the inside out and replace lost volume. Similar to treatment with Botox®, wrinkle injections with hyaluronic acid also take around 30 minutes. The effect of the treatment lasts for around six to 24 months (depending on the preparation). The duration of effect often increases if the treatment is repeated regularly.



In microneedling, a special dermaroller or dermapen, which is equipped with tiny needles, is passed over the skin. This creates microscopic injuries on the skin, which stimulate the self-healing process. The formation of new skin cells and collagen makes the skin look significantly fresher and younger. The microneedling treatment refines pores, smoothes wrinkles and improves the skin’s surface. Anesthesia is usually not necessary for minor treatments. If a larger area is to be treated with microneedling, it is usually advisable to apply an anesthetic cream.


The vampire lift

One of the most modern forms of treatment for wrinkles is the so-called vampire lift. A small amount of blood is taken from the patient and then specially prepared. Blood plasma is needed above all for the treatment. The body’s own blood concentrate is injected into the areas to be treated using a fine needle. Autohaemotherapy stimulates the body’s regeneration process and cell renewal, which improves the skin’s structure and makes the face look younger and fresher.

As the concentrate used is rich in blood platelets (thrombocytes), it is also referred to as platelet-rich plasma or PRP for short. PRP therapy takes around 60 minutes and is very well tolerated due to the use of the body’s own components.


The Hydrafacial treatment

Before the Hydrafacial treatment, the skin is examined using a special analysis device. In particular, the fat and moisture content is determined. The serums suitable for the skin type are then selected based on the analysis.

The Hydrafacial treatment consists of four steps. First, dead skin cells are removed with the Hydrafacial device and the areas to be treated are cleansed. A mild acid peeling is then applied, which softens the sebaceous ducts. This prepares the skin for deep cleansing without irritating it. The third treatment step involves deep cleansing, which uses a special spiral attachment to remove dirt particles and deposits from the pores. Finally, the previously determined, highly effective antioxidants and intensive care ingredients are applied to the skin (dermal infusion).


The medical peeling

Various procedures can be used for medical peeling. They differ mainly in terms of the substances used and the depth of penetration into the skin layers. Gentle peelings such as fruit acid peelings act on the upper layer of the skin (epidermis). There they dissolve old skin cells and thus ensure that a fresher layer of skin is revealed. Medium and deep chemical peels, on the other hand, can also be used to treat light to pronounced wrinkles, as they also penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin and cause the skin layers to peel off. Medium-depth peeling is usually performed under surface anesthesia, while deep peeling usually requires anesthesia.


What needs to be considered after wrinkle treatment in Berlin?

After a short recovery period, patients can leave our practice immediately. Depending on the method used and the individual reaction of the body, temporary redness, swelling or small hematomas may occur after the wrinkle treatment. Experience has shown that these symptoms subside within a few days, so that patients are soon fully socially acceptable again. As a rule, no special aftercare measures are required. Only medium and deep peels require a follow-up treatment, which will of course be explained in more detail during a personal consultation.


Non-surgical wrinkle treatment in Berlin – with your experts at the Dr. Kors practice

Are you interested in non-surgical wrinkle treatment in Berlin? In a personal consultation, I will be happy to inform you about the various methods that aesthetic medicine has to offer. Based on a detailed analysis of your face, I will determine which of the treatment options is best suited to your ideas and wishes. Since an honest and individual consultation is the be-all and end-all for a satisfactory treatment, I will gladly take the time to provide you with comprehensive information and answer your questions.


Hautzentrum Weissensee Dr. Kors · Schönstraße 5 · 13086 · Berlin-Weißensee · T 030 34 34 70 70 · ­F 030 34 34 70 72 8

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