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Fat-away injection in Berlin – fat reduction through injection lipolysis

Sometimes stubborn fat deposits stand in the way of a slim and harmonious body contour. If these unwelcome fat deposits cannot be reduced with diets or targeted training, fat-away injections in Berlin are a suitable treatment option. Without the need for surgery, injection lipolysis can be used to permanently remove easily localized fat deposits. This allows the corresponding region to be streamlined and harmoniously contoured. A natural preparation is used in the treatment, so that the fat-away injection is generally a well-tolerated and safe procedure for fat reduction. At the dermatology practice of Dr. Kors, we support our patients with our expertise and many years of experience in the field of injection lipolysis.

What is a fat-away injection?

The fat-away injection uses a mixture of phospholipids obtained from soybeans. This is often a combination of phosphatidylcholine and deoxycholic acid. The human body also produces phosphatidylcholine in a very similar composition. The substance is found in bile, among other things, and has been used successfully in the medical field for years to treat cholesterol disorders and lower blood lipids. In injection lipolysis, the natural preparation is used to melt fat cells that are perceived as unwanted so that they can be transported away via the bloodstream and absorbed by the body.

Who is injection lipolysis suitable for?

First of all, it should be mentioned that injection lipolysis is not a weight loss therapy. Accordingly, it is not generally used for larger fat deposits. Patients who suffer from obesity should first try to reduce their weight with the help of diets, exercise or bariatric surgery. Fat-away injections, on the other hand, are a means of helping people to contour their bodies harmoniously. Known problem areas that can be treated with injection lipolysis include small, unwelcome fat deposits on the stomach, hips, thighs, upper arms and chin.

Preparation for the treatment

No special measures usually need to be taken before the injection. An essential part of the treatment is, of course, the personal consultation. In our dermatology practice Dr. Kors, I will discuss your individual reasons for treatment with fat-away injections with you. This also includes a careful examination to rule out any contraindications that would speak against the treatment.

Possible areas of application for the fat-away syringe

Treatment with the fat-away injection is suitable for smaller, well-defined fat deposits. In principle, it can be applied to the entire body. Common treatment areas include the following regions and problem areas:

  • Double chin
  • Neck
  • Riding breeches
  • Hips
  • inner thigh
  • Upper and lower abdomen
  • Love Handles
  • Upper arms
  • Knee
  • Back


What happens during injection lipolysis?

The areas to be treated are determined during the consultation on the basis of a precise analysis. On the day of the injection lipolysis, these regions are first marked on the patient’s skin. The active ingredient is then injected directly under the skin using a fine needle. As a result, increased fat loss is stimulated, which leads to the melting of fat cells in the corresponding area. The body removes and excretes the fat cells naturally. Experience has shown that treatment reduces the size of the region. Since the removed fat cells cannot regenerate or form new ones, the fat-away injection produces a permanent treatment result. Nevertheless, a healthy, balanced diet and regular exercise are important in order to enjoy a slim and harmonious body contour in the long term. Injection lipolysis does not replace an active and healthy lifestyle, but it can complement it.

Injection lipolysis generally takes around 15 to 30 minutes. It can be performed on an outpatient basis and is painless even without anesthesia. At the patient’s request, the areas to be treated can be made insensitive to pain beforehand with a special anesthetic cream.

Advantages of the fat-away syringe

  • No surgical intervention
  • No skin incisions
  • No anesthesia (anesthetic cream on request)
  • Outpatient
  • Comparatively short treatment duration
  • No downtime
  • No closed season
  • Painless and low-risk
  • No compression garments necessary
  • No time-consuming pre- or post-treatment
  • Comparatively low costs


Fat-away injection or laser treatment?

In addition to injection lipolysis, we also offer treatment with SculpSure® in our practice to reduce unwanted fat deposits. SculpSure® is also a non-surgical and gentle treatment method. While the possibilities of injection lipolysis are limited per session, as there is a maximum amount that can be administered, there is theoretically no limit to the so-called fat-away laser. Compared to injection lipolysis, no punctures are necessary for laser treatment.

We will discuss which of the treatment methods is sensible and recommended in your specific case in a detailed consultation. Neither of the two treatments can be generally identified as “the better”. Instead, we adapt the treatment concept to your individual needs.

Recovery and aftercare for injection lipolysis

After the fat-away injection, patients generally do not need to consider any special aftercare measures. They are usually immediately fit for social life and work again. Only in the case of treatments in the facial area can possible redness or hematomas indicate a short period of rest and downtime. Patients can positively influence the treatment outcome of injection lipolysis by eating a healthy diet, increasing their fluid intake and exercising.

How many treatments are necessary?

Experience has shown that two to four treatments, carried out at intervals of six to eight weeks, are advisable to achieve a desirable, harmonious result. The majority of patients are satisfied with the results of injection lipolysis after the second or third session. The exact number of applications required may vary from person to person. The individual consultation, including a careful examination, usually provides information on how many treatments are required in a specific case.

When are the results visible?

The visible results of injection lipolysis only appear gradually, as the destroyed fat cells must first be absorbed by the body. The desired result is often achieved around three weeks after the second application. However, the first positive changes can be seen even before this. Since not every body reacts in the same way to treatment, it is not possible to give a general answer to this question.

What are the risks of treatment with the fat-away injection?

Usually, no serious complications or side effects are to be expected after injection lipolysis. The treatment is considered to be quite low-risk and painless. In some cases, bruising, redness or swelling may occur after the fat removal injection. A burning sensation on the skin, slight pain or itching at the injection site are also possible. As a rule, these complaints subside on their own within a short time.

Fat-away injection costs – what can I expect?

It is not possible to make general statements about the costs of a fat-away injection. As each treatment is individually adapted to the patient, the costs vary from person to person. They depend, among other things, on the number of injections required, the extent of the area to be treated and any additional measures (e.g. application of an anesthetic cream). During the individual consultation, I will be happy to explain the costs to be expected for treatment with the fat-away injection.

Fat-away injections in Berlin – with your experts at the dermatology practice Dr. Kors

Are you looking for an expert for fat removal injections in Berlin to remove stubborn fat deposits? I would be happy to provide you with comprehensive information about the possibilities of injection lipolysis. Together we will draw up the most suitable treatment plan for you. During the consultation, I will of course also address any risks as well as your individual questions and wishes.


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