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Hyaluronsaeure Behandlung

Hyaluronic acid treatment Berlin

– Wide range of applications in aesthetic medicine


Hyaluronic acid is an important component of the human body. It occurs in different types of tissue almost everywhere in our organism. Larger quantities are found, for example, in the skin, in the bones and in the intervertebral discs, in the synovial fluid (“lubricant”) and in the vitreous humor of the eye. Their ability to bind a lot of liquid ensures, among other things, that the skin is supple and smooth.

Over time, the body’s own production of hyaluronic acid decreases, causing the stored deposits to gradually diminish. As a result, the connective tissue and skin lose their firmness and elasticity. Unwelcome wrinkles appear, individual parts of the body (e.g. cheeks, eyebrows) sag and the volume of some areas is reduced.

With the help of hyaluronic acid injections, the respective areas can be given back their youthful and fresh appearance. Hyaluronic acid also has a lasting effect on the skin’s moisture supply and quality. Harmonious contours can also be achieved with hyaluronic acid.

Hyaluronic acid treatment is one of the focal points of our range of services at our dermatology practice Dr. Kors. Dr. Kors has more than 20 years of experience in the field of aesthetic medicine. He is also a lecturer in training for aesthetic treatments.


Overview of hyaluronic acid treatment in Berlin

Type of treatment: Injection, outpatient

Duration: 30-45 minutes (depending on treatment and area)

Anesthesia: usually none, anesthetic cream if necessary

Socially acceptable: usually immediately; after a few days at the latest

Sport: after 3 days

Make-up: after 1 day

Result: first results immediately after treatment, effect intensifies over time

Duration of effect: 9-24 months (depending on treatment type, product and region)


Procedure for injections with hyaluronic acid

A personal consultation takes place in our practice beforehand. We will discuss what is bothering you and what changes you would like to see. Based on a detailed analysis, we then design your individual treatment plan and make an appointment. Approximately one week before the hyaluronic acid treatment, you should not take any medication that has an effect on blood clotting, as this may increase the risk of bruising. Further preparations are generally not necessary.

Hyaluronic acid treatment is carried out via injection therapy. This means that the active ingredient is injected directly under the skin of the treatment area using a thin cannula. Additional anesthesia is usually not necessary. If desired, the corresponding areas can be made insensitive to pain with an anesthetic cream. The duration of treatment varies depending on the area and the desired effect. The average time is 30 to 45 minutes.


Hyaluronic acid for wrinkle treatment

One of the main areas of application for hyaluronic acid is the reduction of wrinkles caused by gravity. Due to the natural decrease in skin elasticity, small bumps form on the skin and deepen over time. While some wrinkles symbolize experience and maturity, others are perceived as disturbing because they make you look older and tired. By injecting the filler hyaluronic acid, the wrinkle is “pressed out” and the skin texture is smoothed. Even deep wrinkles can be treated with this method. Typical examples of static and gravity-induced wrinkles are the nasolabial fold (between the corner of the mouth and the wing of the nose), marionette lines (between the corner of the mouth and the chin) and forehead wrinkles. Even deep dark circles can be reduced by the active ingredient, resulting in a fresh eye area. Hyaluronic acid can also be used for dynamic wrinkles (expression lines) – usually in combination with botulinum toxin (Botox®).


Volume definition with hyaluronic acid

Natural skin ageing also causes a reduction in youthful volume (e.g. in the cheek area). By injecting the corresponding areas, the deficits can be harmoniously balanced out. Hyaluronic acid stimulates moisture retention in the tissue and thus specifically gives the areas more fullness. Hyaluronic acid can also be used to aesthetically enlarge the lips.


Lifting effects thanks to hyaluronic acid

Hyaluronic acid not only has a smoothing but also a firming effect on the skin. By injecting hyaluronic acid in a targeted manner, individual areas such as the eyebrows can be slightly lifted without significantly affecting or losing the natural facial expression. The method therefore offers a natural lift without surgery.


Augmentation of cheeks, jaw and chin

Areas of the face such as the chin, jawline or cheeks can be built up (augmented) with the help of a filler treatment so that the facial proportions work together harmoniously. Small corrections can also be made to the nose with hyaluronic acid and accents can be created by contouring.


Moisturizing boost for the skin

Hyaluronic acid is primarily known in aesthetic medicine for the treatment of wrinkles. However, their possible applications go much further. Due to its ability to bind a lot of moisture, hyaluronic acid is ideal as a moisturizing boost for the skin. Hyaluronic acid injections provide a moisturizing treatment from the inside, so that even the deep tissue layers are supplied with essential fluid. A good fluid balance can sustainably improve the appearance of the skin, resulting in a fresh and healthy complexion.


Scar correction with hyaluronic acid

Scars can disrupt the overall aesthetic appearance. Hyaluronic acid can be used to even out imperfections (e.g. acne scars) in particular. The deepened scars are lifted and smoothed. The active ingredient also loosens the scarred and inelastic scar tissue to make the skin more supple again. As soon as moisture and collagen are restored to the scarred tissue, cell renewal is also restarted, which further fades the scars.


Recovery and aftercare for hyaluronic acid treatment

No downtime or restrictions are to be expected after a hyaluronic acid treatment, as it is a very gentle method. Patients can usually resume all their usual activities the following day and return to sport after around three days. Occasionally, redness or swelling may persist for a few days before subsiding on its own. Patients should not lie on their side for the first few hours after the injection to prevent uneven distribution of the active ingredient in the tissue. Make-up should only be reapplied 24 hours after the injection to avoid possible irritation at the injection sites. A high sun protection factor should also be used to protect the areas.


Possible risks and side effects of hyaluronic acid

Experience has shown that hyaluronic acid treatment is only associated with minor discomfort and side effects. Immediately after treatment, the skin areas are often reddened or swollen. This subsides within a few days. In rare cases, feelings of pressure, numbness or inflammation occur at the puncture sites.


Treatments with hyaluronic acid in Berlin – with your experts at the dermatology practice Dr. Kors

Would you like to find out more about the numerous applications of hyaluronic acid and improve your skin texture with this gentle treatment method? We would be happy to inform you about what hyaluronic acid can do for your skin in a personal consultation at our practice in Berlin. You can make an appointment with the practice team by telephone, e-mail or via our contact form.


Further information and frequently asked questions about treatment with hyaluronic acid


What is hyaluronic acid?

Hyaluronic acid is a sugar compound and occurs naturally in the human body. One of their main tasks is to bind and store large quantities of fluid. It also stimulates the formation of new collagen and thus new cell formation.

Synthetically produced hyaluronic acid, which is very similar to natural hyaluronic acid, is used for aesthetic treatments. Depending on the application, different molecule sizes and degrees of cross-linking are available.


What is a filler?

Fillers are materials that are injected into the tissue to achieve a lifting effect. In aesthetic medicine, absorbable (degradable) filling materials are used, such as hyaluronic acid or the body’s own fat cells (autologous fat).


Advantages of hyaluronic acid

  1. Natural active ingredient
  2. Degradable
  3. No rejection reactions or allergies
  4. Outpatient treatment
  5. Short treatment time
  6. Very natural results
  7. Fast and long-lasting results


Reasons for premature skin ageing

In addition to the natural ageing process, there are a number of external and internal factors that can cause the skin to age prematurely, including

  1. UV radiation/sunbathing
  2. Nicotine/alcohol consumption
  3. Stress
  4. Lack of sleep
  5. Environmental toxins
  6. an unhealthy diet


Is treatment with hyaluronic acid painful?

As very fine needles are used in injection therapy, the treatment is hardly associated with any pain. By applying an anesthetic cream, the hyaluronic acid injection is made as comfortable as possible for the patient.


When are the results visible?

The first results are visible immediately after the injection, as the areas are immediately plumped up. By stimulating the body’s own collagen production and moisturizing the skin, an additional positive effect is created that gives the skin a lasting young, fresh and healthy appearance.


How long do the results of hyaluronic acid last?

This depends on the specific composition of the hyaluronic acid and the region into which it is injected. Different treatments can therefore have a different duration of effect. In addition, every body reacts slightly differently to the active ingredient. The effect usually lasts for nine to 24 months. Regular treatment with hyaluronic acid can also prolong the duration of the effect.


Can the result be reversed if it is not to my liking?

As an absorbable filler, hyaluronic acid is broken down naturally by the body. The process usually takes four to twelve months. For lasting results, the treatment must be repeated after this time to refresh the effect. If patients are not satisfied with the result or the “new look”, the treatment is not repeated and the original condition regenerates itself. There is also the option of using an antidote that accelerates the breakdown of hyaluronic acid.


Hautzentrum Weissensee Dr. Kors · Schönstraße 5 · 13086 · Berlin-Weißensee · T 030 34 34 70 70 · ­F 030 34 34 70 72 8

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